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LVR LandesMuseum // Auditorium

Colmantstraße 14-16
53115 Bonn

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.

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The constructive journalism movement is changing journalism for the better - but all too often, management practices and organisational culture aren't part of the transformation. So we're going do dive into the crucial question: How might we apply the three principles of constructive journalism to media leadership practices to create healthier, happier, more successful and more sustainable media organisations? We strongly believe that it's crucial journalism managers and leaders 1) build a healthy organisational culture that focuses on solutions, 2) allows and encourages multiple and diverse perspectives and 3) facilitates a respectful, constructive dialogue. Join us as we are building a manifesto for constructive leadership, live on stage.

Anita Zielina

Anita Zielina

Better Leaders Lab

CEO & Gründerin

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