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October 3

The b° future festival 2024 begins on the National Day of Germany, the Day of German Unity. Things kick off during the day with Deep Dives into constructive journalism for our professional audience. A special focus will be placed on the topics of climate change and democracy.

In the evening, we will welcome our speakers at the Welcome Night on Münsterplatz.

October 4 and 5

On Friday and Saturday, the Münsterplatz in the heart of Bonn will be transformed into a festival center. Here you can experience journalism live, take part in discussions in the Dialogue Dome, ask questions and take a look behind the scenes of the media industry –  free of charge and open to everyone.

Parallel to this, sessions will take place in the LVR LandesMuseum as part of our professional conference for ticket holders

Our Program!

Check out all our program highlights at the following link.

Program 2024

Call for Participation

A festival for everyone

It is important to us that everyone feels comfortable and valued at the b° future festival. We place great importance on diversity, and we're delighted that this diversity is already reflected in the call for participation. The ideas come from journalists who work in over 30 countries worldwide, the majority of whom describe themselves as "female" in our questionnaire. The distribution of German and English-language program proposals is roughly balanced.

We welcome input from

... Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, UK, USA, Canada, El Salvador, India, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Chad, South Africa, Lebanon, Mauritius, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq. 


Get your ticket for our conference now. We look forward to seeing you!