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Festival ticket required
In d. Sürst 1
53111 Bonn
The event will be held in English.
Are you interested in journalism's role in change? Come and discuss what a global movement for impactful, human-centred journalism could look like! Since 2020 a group of people thinking about impact strategy and measurement in journalism began meeting online to share knowledge and best practice. That group has grown to include people working in community-led reporting, live journalism, newsroom-civil society collaborations and more — anyone interested in how journalism can better represent, serve and connect with its audiences — from newsrooms big and small, commercial and non-profit, around the world (plus people from adjacent sectors). We have been meeting virtually for the last three years, and more recently in person at conferences, to share knowledge, ideas and best practice, and to build cross-border collaborations and friendships. This network has grown to more than 100 members. The time is ripe to think about what this network could turn into. How do we solidify and evolve to become a public-facing, powerful movement for systems change-driving journalism, that can influence and inspire the wider industry and help great journalism bring even more value to the world? This workshop will brainstorm that question.