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Vanessa Vu is an award-winning journalist and writer. Her first book, "Komm dahin, wo es still ist," was published in 2024. She works as an editor for ZEIT ONLINE, hosts the monthly discussion series "Klassenzimmer" at the Schaubühne Berlin, and was one of the voices behind the German-language podcast "Rice and Shine."

Ahmad Katlesh is a Syrian writer and podcaster who has been living and working in Germany since 2016. He has published three books in Arabic and two in German: the poetry collection "Das Gedächtnis der Finger" (2020) and the correspondence "Komm dahin, wo es still ist." He also reads literary texts in Arabic on "Tiklam."

Portraitfoto von Ahmad Katlesh (r.) und Vanessa Vu (l.)
Credits: Harald Keller


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Thalia am Markt

// Café

Komm dahin, wo es still ist

Mit Vanessa Vu & Ahmad Katlesh

Die Lebenswege des Schriftstellers Ahmad Katlesh und der Journalistin Vanessa Vu sind durchtränkt, aber nicht bestimmt von Kriegen, Flucht und Migration. Doch was bedeuten diese Erfahrungen für ihre Gegenwart? Das Paar liest aus seinem Buch über Internetcafés, Geister und Grenzen, über Missverständnisse und davon, was es heißt, wenn Politisches immer wieder ins Private einbricht.