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Alena Zhabina is a journalist for Deutsche Welle (DW) and works for the daily Russian language news show DW Novosti. She focuses on Eastern Europe, China and Asia Pacific. As a fellow in the second year of the DW-Bonn Institute Constructive Journalism Fellowship, Alena is exploring how to apply the principles of constructive journalism to the fast-paced world of the 24-hour news cycle. 

Portrait of Alena Zhabina
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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop II

Festival ticket required

Lessons Learned from the DW Constructive Journalism Fellowship

With Mara Bierbach, Lisa Urlbauer, Alena Zhabina and Zobaer Ahmed

How can news organizations foster constructive journalism? DW, Germany's international broadcaster, launched a one of a kind training program for its journalists in partnership with the Bonn Institute in 2023. At this talk, fellows Alena Zhabina and Zobaer Ahmed will share what they learned about reporting constructively, including in a fast-paced news environment and on difficult issues. And organizers and trainers Lisa Urlbauer and Mara Bierbach will talk about what they learned works (and what doesn't) when training a diverse group of journalists in constructive reporting.