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Getting close to people, getting to the bottom of debates, putting democracy to the test, especially when it comes to the climate. Anja seeks unusual perspectives, surprising insights, and stories that demonstrate that change toward a better society is possible: Change toward a better society is possible; we just have to start. In her debates, Anja scrutinizes much-discussed assumptions: Is our society really divided? Is green growth possible?

Anja studied history, politics, and literature in Bonn, Berlin, and Aix-en-Provence, and attended the German School of Journalism in Munich. She then worked as an editor and author for publications including taz, ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Managerseminare, Erziehung & Wissenschaft, and various online magazines such as the science magazine changeX and the website for the German EU Council Presidency. She has been an author at Good Impact for over ten years and became a permanent member of the editorial team in 2021.

Portrait of Anja Dilk
Credits: Privat


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// Podcast House

Good News Podcast – mach mit!

Mit Bianca Kriel and Anja Dilk

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