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Andrew Murphy is a pioneer of sustainable investment in Germany. In 1999, together with Philipp Spitz, he founded Murphy&Spitz, an investment firm specializing in sustainable investments. Since 2006, Murphy has been a board member of Murphy&Spitz Green Capital AG, which was initially a private equity company for the promotion of sustainable start-ups, and today is a holding company focusing on the project planning and operation of renewable energy plants as well as sustainable financial portfolio management. Since 2013, he has headed Murphy&Spitz Sustainable Asset Management as a member of the board of directors. He is tirelessly committed to the sustainable transformation of society, whether in think tanks, as a member of the supervisory board of the non-profit newsroom Correctiv, a founding member of the urgewald foundation or at ökofinanz-21. Murphy has been named fund manager of the year (Handelsblatt) and top asset manager (Capital) several times.

Andrew Murphy


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Schmutzige Rente, saubere Rente: Wie kann eine nachhaltige Altersvorsorge aussehen?  

Mit Annika Joeres, Andrew Murphy and David Schraven

Zehn von 16 Bundesländern investieren hunderte Millionen Euro ihrer Pensionsfonds in klimaschädliche Industrien. Wie es auch anders geht, darüber diskutieren Annika Joeres, Klimaredakteurin, und Andrew Murphy, Experte für nachhaltiges Investment. Das Gespräch moderiert CORRECTIV-Geschäftsführer David Schraven.