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Asumpta Lattus leads a diverse and talented team of journalists in Deutsche Welle’s English for Africa department. The Tanzanian-born multimedia journalist and AI enthusiast has lived in Germany for over ten years, working as a radio host, video producer, and social media manager. She has also managed various media development projects in East Africa. Asumpta is hugely passionate about making content relevant to African audiences, from innovating new podcasts to flexible live streams, which keep her staff, and viewers, on their toes! She’s also a big believer in working with local media partners to produce exciting content that speaks to local audiences, like overseeing the award-winning South African podcast, Don’t Hold Back. While in Tanzania she founded and oversaw the creation of a countrywide Catholic radio network -Radio Maria Tanzania, which is still running today. Asumpta is a massive football fan and keen to get everyone supporting female football.

Portraitfoto von Asumpta Lattus.
Credits: Asumpta Lattus


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Haus der Bildung

// 1.61

Konstruktiver Journalismus auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent: Wenn die Schule zum Newsroom wird

Mit Johanna Rüdiger and Asumpta Lattus

Wie wir journalistische Inhalte nicht nur für, sondern MIT unserer junge Zielgruppe produzieren: Am Beispiel von zwei internationalen Journalismus-Projekten zeigen wir, wie Redaktionen und Schulen von einem Austausch profitieren können, was passiert, wenn Jugendliche zu Reporter*innen werden und was wir dabei beachten sollten.

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Sion im Carré

Festival ticket required

Mentoring mit Medienfrauen // Mentoring with Women in Journalism

Mit Julia Blust, Jule Lumma, Susanne Amann, Swantje Dake, Astrid Maier, Lea Thies, Maria Exner, Miriam Scharlibbe, Asumpta Lattus and Elena Kountidou

This session will be held in both German and English // Wir beantworten im Eins-zu-Eins-Deeptalk deine Fragen. Wege in den Journalismus, schwierige Situationen im Alltag, entscheidende Weichen, scheinbar unüberwindbare Hürden? Sprich mit uns! // We answer your questions in a one-on-one deep talk. Whether it's finding your way into journalism, dealing with difficult everyday situations, making pivotal decisions, or overcoming seemingly insurmountable hurdles—talk to us!

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Sion im Carré

Festival ticket required

Mentoring mit Medienfrauen // Mentoring with Women in Journalism

Mit Julia Blust, Jule Lumma, Astrid Maier, Susanne Amann, Lea Thies, Swantje Dake, Maria Exner, Miriam Scharlibbe, Asumpta Lattus and Elena Kountidou

This session will be held in both German and English // Wir beantworten im Eins-zu-Eins-Deeptalk deine Fragen. Wege in den Journalismus, schwierige Situationen im Alltag, entscheidende Weichen, scheinbar unüberwindbare Hürden? Sprich mit uns! // We answer your questions in a one-on-one deep talk. Whether it's finding your way into journalism, dealing with difficult everyday situations, making pivotal decisions, or overcoming seemingly insurmountable hurdles—talk to us!