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After a detour to study architecture, Bianca found her way into journalism. She has been studying journalism and PR in Gelsenkirchen since 2020. Internships at the local radio station in Oberhausen and at Salon5 have confirmed her ambition to become a journalist. She now works as a student in the Bottrop editorial office of Salon5. Bianca believes that low-threshold access to journalism is important for everyone and wants to encourage young people to set up their own projects and tackle topics that move them.

Bianca Poersch


 –  h

// Arkadenhof

Salon5 Van-Gespräche

Mit Lea Messerschmidt, Tabea Stock and Bianca Poersch

Mit dem Salon5 Transporter bringt die Jugendredaktion jungen Journalismus direkt in Bonns Innenstadt. Wir möchten im Rahmen eines ganztägigen Programms zeigen, wie Journalismus von Jugendlichen aussieht.