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Chrissie Giles has been a writer and editor for more than 15 years. Before joining The Bureau of Investigative Journalism as global health editor, she worked for Wellcome, one of the world’s largest health foundations, where she was editor of the award-winning longform publication Mosaic. At Mosaic, she championed up-and-coming writers from around the world and worked to increase the diversity of stories and storytellers in science journalism. As a writer, she has covered a wide range of subjects, from how doctors discuss death and dying with patients, to why British people her age were the “Peak Booze” generation. She has also been writer-in-residence at a hospice. She studied biochemistry at university and completed a master’s in science communication at Imperial College, London.

Portrait of Chrissie Giles


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Sion im Carré

Festival ticket required

Building the Impact Journalism Movement

With Miriam Wells and Chrissie Giles

A workshop for existing and prospective members of an Impact Journalism Network to brainstorm the future of the network and a potential global movement for impactful, human-centred journalism that helps drive systems change.