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As a writer, she works for "Quarks-Daily" and "Quarks Daily Spezial," writes articles for, and produces radio segments.

A radio stood by her bedside for as long as she can remember, often playing through the night. Back then, she never imagined she'd be creating programs herself. Today, she mainly reports on psychology, medicine, and nutrition. For her reports, she has accompanied mothers during childbirth and witnessed robots performing bypass surgery in the operating room. Her motto: If you want to explain something to others, you must first understand it yourself—whether it's about epigenetics or the benefits of chewing gum.

Portrait of Christiane Tovar


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// Podcast House

QuarksDaily - Von der Planung bis zum Podcast - Teil 2: Ab ins Studio – Die Podcastaufzeichnung

Mit Anna Sebastian, Alexandra Hostert, Ina Plodroch, Julia Demann, Markus Meyer-Gehlen and Christiane Tovar

In einer Redaktionskonferenz überlegen wir gemeinsam mit euch, welche Themen wir im Podcast QuarksDaily umsetzen wollen. Die Folge wird dann auf dem Festival aufgezeichnet.