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Since February 2020, art historian Christina Végh (b. 1970 in Zurich) has been the Director of Kunsthalle Bielefeld. Previously, she led the Kestner Gesellschaft in Hannover from 2015 onward and was the Director of the Bonner Kunstverein from 2004 to 2014. After studying art history, ethnology, and philosophy at the University of Zurich and spending time at the University of California, Santa Cruz, her first position was at the Kunsthalle Basel, where she worked as a curator from 2000 to 2004.

Végh has curated exhibitions with artists such as Monica Bonvicini, Monika Baer, John Baldessari, Rita McBride, Haegue Yang, Charline von Heyl, Annette Kelm, James Richards, Franz Erhard Walther, and Christopher Williams. She has also overseen extensive group exhibitions, including "Where Art Might Happen: The Early Years of CalArts" (co-curated with Philipp Kaiser) and "Made in Germany Drei," and has contributed to the corresponding catalogs.

Végh is active in numerous committees and juries, including serving as a guest juror for the 2017 Wolfgang Hahn Prize at the Ludwig Museum in Cologne and as a member of the art biennials jury for Pro Helvetia (2015-2018). Since 2018, she has been a member of the Justus Bier Prize jury. From 2008 to 2012, Végh was involved in the board of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Kunstvereine (AdKV). In 2010, Végh was awarded a prize for art and architecture mediation by the Swiss Art Commission of the Federal Office of Culture.

Christina Végh
Credit: Christina Végh, Foto: Philipp Ottendörfer


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Museum der Zukunft

Wem vertrauen wir mehr – den Medien oder den Museen?

Mit Dr. Christoph Schmälzle, Patrick Bahners, Alexander Menden, Lilly Wagner and Christina Végh

Das Institut für Museumsforschung hat im April 2024 die erste bevölkerungsrepräsentative Studie zu Vertrauen in Museen in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Zu den wichtigsten Erkenntnissen zählte, dass Museen im persönlichen und institutionellen Umfeld das höchste Vertrauen nach Familie und Freunden und vor Wissenschaft und Medien genießen. Unter allen öffentlichen Einrichtungen erzielen sie die höchsten Vertrauenswerte und heben sich damit deutlich von politischen Organisationen ab. Warum ist das Vertrauen in die Museen so hoch? Was machen sie anders? Und können die Medien von Museen lernen?