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Claudia Isabel Rittel worked for over ten years at the German national daily Frankfurter Rundschau. There, she assumed different roles in the regional editorial team. In the add-on master’s program New Media Journalism at Leipzig School of Media, from 2018 to 2021, the political scientist dealt with many of the challenges journalism faces today. As editorial developer at Mediengruppe VRM, she was engaged intensively in user needs and audience data and worked on a publication schedule aligned to users’ needs for several regional papers. Her perspective of the world has been shaped by an Atlantic-crossing in a sailing boat, her appreciation of our democracy by experiences in her birth-country Colombia.

Portrait of Claudia Rittel


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

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How can AI support Constructive Journalism?

With Peter Damgaard-Kristensen and Claudia Isabel Rittel

For too long, the journalism industry has been dominated by key performance indicators (KPIs) that don't always align with the true essence of quality journalism. The risk is that metrics like clicks, views, and engagement take precedence over the depth, accuracy, and impact of our stories.