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Dina Aboughazala is the Founder & CEO of Egab, connecting media outlets with high-quality stories from local journalists in the Global South (Egypt).

Dina Aboughazala


 –  h

LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Beyond Bloodshed: Rethinking Conflict Coverage

With Dina Aboughazala, Meenal Thakur and Yasmina Al-Gannabi

We've all heard the adage:: "If it bleeds, it leads." But is this relentless focus on violence fueling conflict or hindering solutions? News often prioritizes dramatic visuals and violence, neglecting the crucial role media plays throughout all stages of conflict. A new approach is urgently needed. By solely focusing on bloodshed, the media overlooks critical community and peacebuilding efforts. This portrayal reduces people in conflict zones to mere victims, stripping them of their agency and resilience . We need a paradigm shift: how can media be a more constructive force during conflicts?