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Emma Thomasson is a British journalist and trainer who has lived in Berlin since 2013. Until 2022, she worked for Reuters as a correspondent and chief correspondent in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and South Africa. She is an executive coach and, while at Reuters, was involved in running a peer network that supports journalists suffering from stress and trauma.

Portrait of Emma Thomasson
Credits: Kathleen Wächter


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// Yellow Tent

How can we b° future? Reflect, Connect, Design.

With Emma Thomasson and Barbara Maas

Come and escape from the intensity of the panel discussions. Process all the input from the festival and apply it to your work as a journalist in a creative space. You will design your own zine, a mini-booklet, your personal instruction manual for your future as a constructive journalist. No artistic talent required! We use pens, stamps, stickers and clippings from magazines. We will provide everything you need to get creative, but you are welcome to bring your favorite pens or your own pictures.

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Haus der Bildung

// 1.57

Festival ticket required

Don't burn out! Wie Du dich selbst (und andere) im stressigen Redaktionsalltag schützen kannst

Mit Emma Thomasson and Nea Matzen

Bad news isn’t good news - zumindest nicht für die Psyche. Ein Fünftel der Journalistinnen sorgt sich um die eigene mentale Gesundheit. Die Gründe: Stress, belastende Recherchen und die scheinbare Ohnmacht gegenüber großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit (Krieg, Klimawandel, Rechtsextremismus). In praxisnahen Rollenspielen erproben wir gemeinsam Auswege aus der emotionalen Abwärtsspirale und geben Tipps, wie ihr auf euch selbst achten und eure Kolleginnen unterstützen könnt.