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Gavin Karlmeier has been working as a freelance journalist and digital consultant since 2018 for a variety of clients, including media companies, businesses, and production firms. The question of taking the right digital steps has been a central theme in his work over the past few years, especially in his role as digital channel manager at 1LIVE.

Today, he hosts the social media podcast "Haken dran" (c't/heise) three times a week, manages the WDR newsroom, develops podcasts for Deutschlandfunk, and occasionally writes jokes on the internet.

Portrait of Gavin Karlmeier
Credits: Timo Reinders-Catoir


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// Lila Zelt

Das große Social Media-Quiz!

Mit Gavin Karlmeier

Dass sich soziale Medien quasi permanent verändern, ist sicher keine Neuigkeit. Aber Neuigkeiten, die an uns vorbeiziehen, gibt es gerade in der Social Media-Welt so einige - oder erinnert sich noch irgendjemand an Instagram Peek? Oder an Clubhouse? Internettyp Gavin Karlmeier lädt zur großen Quizshow - quer durch die wilden Jahre, in denen alles „2.0“, Beta oder irgendwas mit einem Hashtag heißen musste.