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Hanna Fröhlich is part of CORRECTIV's Swiss editorial team. She has been developing research there with the CrowdNewsroom since 2023. Previously, she did news reports for Swiss television and wrote about cultural and social topics for the Swiss daily newspaper Tages-Anzeiger. There she wrote about female rappers, alternative forms of living and sexism in nightlife.

Hanna Fröhlich studied journalism near Zurich, where she also lives. Socio-political issues such as the climate crisis, social inequality or any form of discrimination are driving forces. With the help of the CrowdNewsroom, she wants to bring stories from all walks of life to the public. On the side, she works for Swiss television and writes about issues that concerns children and young people.

Hanna Fröhlich


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Haus der Bildung

// Volkshochschule 2

Achtung Schulweg! Wo lauern die Gefahren?

Mit Hanna Fröhlich and Rainer Bohnet

Auf ihrem Schulweg sind Kinder und Jugendliche Gefahren im Verkehr ausgesetzt. Gemeinsam mit Lokalredaktionen fragt der CORRECTIV CrowdNewsroom: Wo genau? Was sind das für Gefahren, und wer ist dafür verantwortlich? Warum sind diese Gefahrenstellen nicht längst entschärft?