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Ina Plodroch grew up in the north of Germany, often claiming it was the city of Bremen, which isn't quite true but is close. From there, she discovered the world of radio in Cologne. She started at the university radio station Kölncampus and has worked for over ten years at WDR and Deutschlandfunk. At these stations, she writes features on topics such as how pop songs are created and the relationship between current streaming music and the elevator music of the past. She also presents cultural programs like "Corso Kunst und Pop" and "Scala." Most notably, she is one of the three hosts of the daily podcast "Quarks Daily."

Portraitfoto von Ina Plodroch.
Credits: WDR/ Annika Fußwinkel


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// Podcast House

QuarksDaily - Von der Planung bis zum Podcast - Teil 2: Ab ins Studio – Die Podcastaufzeichnung

Mit Anna Sebastian, Alexandra Hostert, Ina Plodroch, Julia Demann, Markus Meyer-Gehlen and Christiane Tovar

In einer Redaktionskonferenz überlegen wir gemeinsam mit euch, welche Themen wir im Podcast QuarksDaily umsetzen wollen. Die Folge wird dann auf dem Festival aufgezeichnet.