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Isabel Lerch works as a data journalist at NDR Data. She brings the data investigations of her team to all relevant news channels as a reporter and editor at NDR Info. As a trainer, she shares her knowledge in the areas of journalistic research, data journalism, data visualization, and AI. She honed her journalistic skills during her traineeship at NDR (2018 - 2020). Isabel Lerch studied political science in Berlin and Saint Petersburg and added a Data Science degree in Lüneburg during the peak of daily data reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Portrait von Isabel Lerch
Credits: Claudia Timmann


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// Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Daran erkenne ich manipulierte Bilder im Netz

Mit Isabel Lerch

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// Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Unser Recht auf Informationen

Mit Isabel Lerch

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// Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Mehr als eine Google-Suche: Recherche-Tipps von Journalist:innen

Mit Isabel Lerch

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// Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

So erkenne ich Fake News im Netz

Mit Isabel Lerch