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Jean-Christoph Boulanger founded Contexte in 2013 with the aim of creating a sustainable business model for producing expert, independent political news. They were a group of seven employees in the beginning. Ten years and one hundred employees later, his role has changed a lot.

He is committed to thriving independent news sources. This can be seen in his work at Spiil, the union of independent online media outlets where he served as President between 2015 and 2021, as well as at the CFJ, Journalisme & Citoyenneté and La Pile. He still sits on the Boards of Directors of these institutions and organisations.

Portrait of Jean-Christoph Boulanger
Credits: Édouard Ducos


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Seminarraum 1

Festival ticket required

Is deep journalism the future of media?

With Jean-Christoph Boulanger and Sebastian Turner

Redundancies, disappearing titles, the end of the free web model, fake news, algorithms and AI... There's no denying that the press is at a turning point. What path should we follow to overcome this challenge? Sebastian Turner, publisher of Table.Media, a fast-growing BtoB online media on politics based in Berlin, and Jean-Christophe Boulanger, publishing director of Contexte, another a fast-growing BtoB online media on politics, based in Paris and Brussels, both believe that the solution will emerge from a new way of practicing journalism: “deep journalism”.