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Julia Demann was born in Cologne—and stayed there. After studying German in Bonn and completing various journalistic internships, it became clear: she wanted to become a journalist. Specifically, a science journalist. That's why she returned to Cologne, studied biology, and began working as a freelance writer for a health magazine in public broadcasting. She then achieved her goal—working at Quarks. For almost five years now, she has been working there as a freelance writer for radio and podcasts, as well as a presenter and writer for the Quarks YouTube channel. Additionally, she hosts the podcast "Die Ernährungsdocs" on NDR. Her areas of expertise include sexuality, nutrition, and infectious diseases.

Portrait of Julia Marlen Dekan


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// Podcast House

QuarksDaily - Von der Planung bis zum Podcast - Teil 2: Ab ins Studio – Die Podcastaufzeichnung

Mit Anna Sebastian, Alexandra Hostert, Ina Plodroch, Julia Demann, Markus Meyer-Gehlen and Christiane Tovar

In einer Redaktionskonferenz überlegen wir gemeinsam mit euch, welche Themen wir im Podcast QuarksDaily umsetzen wollen. Die Folge wird dann auf dem Festival aufgezeichnet.