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As Team Lead, Kate Sherman coordinates Tickaroo's marketing activities. Always on the lookout for intercultural exchange, she completed a Master's degree in European-American Studies. Her studies and many years of experience in marketing give her a special perspective on working in international environments and communicating with different target groups. She supports media and publishing houses in optimizing their digital storytelling.

Portraitfoto von Kate Sherman.
Credits: Tickaroo


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

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From Coverage to Connection: Revitalizing Election Live Blogs  

With Kate Sherman

History's biggest global election year has forced us to recognize that audiences want more from their election coverage than just horse-race journalism. Readers crave content that enables agency and earns back their trust in the news.In this talk, we’ll introduce 5 ways to fulfill these needs from our latest whitepaper, “Building Audience Trust and Engagement this Election Season with Live Blogs.”