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Lea has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Gelsenkirchen and is currently studying political science and philosophy while working at Salon5, a youth focused newsroom of CORREKTIV. She has written for the German regional newspapers WAZ and fudder, the student magazine of the German newspaper Badische Zeitung. At Salon5, Lea organizes events and wants to bring journalism to life for young people.

Lea Messerschmidt


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// Arkadenhof

Salon5 Van-Gespräche

Mit Lea Messerschmidt, Tabea Stock and Bianca Poersch

Mit dem Salon5 Transporter bringt die Jugendredaktion jungen Journalismus direkt in Bonns Innenstadt. Wir möchten im Rahmen eines ganztägigen Programms zeigen, wie Journalismus von Jugendlichen aussieht.