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Thinking globally and acting locally has been a common thread throughout Lisa Urlbauer's career. She honed her skills in constructive journalism at the Solutions Journalism Network in New York. Since then, she has been dedicated to advancing solutions-oriented journalism in Europe and was honored with the Grow scholarship from Netzwerk Recherche. She completed her traineeship at the Weser-Kurier in Bremen.

Since founding the Bonn Institute, Lisa Urlbauer has been instrumental in developing the training programs and serves as the contact person for climate and local journalism. She regularly speaks on these topics at international conferences and within Germany.

Lisa initially studied European Studies in Bremen and Valencia. The Erasmus Mundus Master’s program in Media, Journalism, and Globalisation further took her to Aarhus and Amsterdam.

Lisa Urlbauer
Lisa Urlbauer


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// Lila Zelt

Eine Stunde reden

Mit Peter Lindner, Thomas Rebbe, Ellen Heinrichs, Markus Beckedahl, Julia Bernstorf, Lisa Urlbauer and Anke Gehrmann

Das Bonn Institute startet ein Experiment auf dem b° future festival: Können wir über schwierige Themen sprechen und andere Perspektiven verstehen? Diskutieren Sie an kleinen Tischen, moderiert von Journalisten und Journalistinnen, in einem geschützten Rahmen. Ziel ist es, zuzuhören und verschiedene Sichtweisen besser zu verstehen – nicht, andere vom eigenen Standpunkt zu überzeugen. Bei „Eine Stunde reden“ sind alle willkommen. Anmeldung erforderlich, Plätze begrenzt.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

How to foster constructive journalism at your news organization

With Tina Rosenberg, Lisa Urlbauer and Manuela Kasper-Claridge

In this session, we want to dive into the aspects that shape a constructive reporting culture in a news organization. How do we go beyond isolated improvements toward a constructive transformation on an organizational level? From program planning to feedback culture – this session will share practical lessons on moving your news organization into a constructive future.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop II

Festival ticket required

Lessons Learned from the DW Constructive Journalism Fellowship

With Mara Bierbach, Lisa Urlbauer, Alena Zhabina and Zobaer Ahmed

How can news organizations foster constructive journalism? DW, Germany's international broadcaster, launched a one of a kind training program for its journalists in partnership with the Bonn Institute in 2023. At this talk, fellows Alena Zhabina and Zobaer Ahmed will share what they learned about reporting constructively, including in a fast-paced news environment and on difficult issues. And organizers and trainers Lisa Urlbauer and Mara Bierbach will talk about what they learned works (and what doesn't) when training a diverse group of journalists in constructive reporting.

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Design Offices

Festival ticket required

[Fully booked] Deep Dive: Kick off your Path in Constructive Journalism

With Lisa Urlbauer

Discover how to kickstart constructive journalism in an engaging deep dive workshop led by Lisa Urlbauer, Head of Journalism Training at the Bonn Institute. Dive into best practices, gain essential know-how, and share experiences to spark constructive change in your newsroom.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

Navigating Complexity: Climate Reporting for Engaged Audiences  

With Alexandra Borchardt, Ruona Meyer, Lisa Urlbauer and Peter Schniering

The climate crisis is not only a scientific and environmental concern but a deeply interconnected challenge that touches every aspect of human life. How can journalists effectively engage our audience with the intricacies of the complex and abstract climate crisis? In this panel discussion, we will unravel hands-on approaches to bridge the gap between complex climate science and public understanding.

Session recordings