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Manuela Kasper-Claridge is the editor-in-chief of Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international public broadcaster. She was appointed to the post in May 2020. Her primary focuses are on upholding high editorial standards and increasing diversity in DW’s reporting. She has worked at DW since 1992, initially as a news editor, before becoming Head of DW Business in 1998 and Senior Head of Business, Science and Environment in 2014. Manuela Kasper-Claridge is also on the Communications and Media Committee of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, on the Board of Trustees of the renowned ifo Institute in Munich and serves on the CIVIS Advisory Board.

Manuela Kasper-Claridge


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

How to foster constructive journalism at your news organization

With Tina Rosenberg, Lisa Urlbauer and Manuela Kasper-Claridge

In this session, we want to dive into the aspects that shape a constructive reporting culture in a news organization. How do we go beyond isolated improvements toward a constructive transformation on an organizational level? From program planning to feedback culture – this session will share practical lessons on moving your news organization into a constructive future.

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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

How constructive journalism pays off for audiences and the media

With Manuela Kasper-Claridge, Mark Sappenfield, Lars Boering and Gordian Fritz

To reach audiences in times of increasing news avoidance and decreasing trust, many media organizations worldwide are focussing more on constructive reporting. But how much does this actually boost success? What KPIs indicate that constructive reporting is not just good for society, but does also pay off for media organizations?

Session recordings