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Miriam Hochhard has been with COSMO since 2018 and has led the digital unit since 2022. Before that, she spent over eight years developing the digital channels at 1LIVE—back when Twitter still felt as cozy as a living room. At COSMO, she has launched several innovative formats, including the award-winning video series “Meine Narbe,” which received the prestigious Civis Award. Her podcast “Schwarz-Rot-Blut” was also nominated for the Grimme Online Award.

She is responsible for current COSMO podcasts such as “Danke, Gut,” “Machiavelli,” and “Iran im Herzen,” as well as the Instagram channel @cosmo. Her aim is not only to represent migrant perspectives but also to make them accessible to everyone, including those she playfully refers to as "curious potatoes." She believes that the new normal is colorful, fun, and inclusive.

Miriam Anna Hochhard


 –  h

LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop II

Festival ticket required

Mehr Migra-Perspektiven in Deinem Journalismus!

Mit Kübra Idi, Heike Zahn, Özge M. Kabukçu, Melis Içten-Löffler, Vanessa Criado, Dilara Yaves and Miriam Hochhard

In einem Land, in dem 29 Prozent der Bevölkerung eine Einwanderungsgeschichte haben, ist die Integration migrantischer Perspektiven im Journalismus unerlässlich. Doch wie integrieren wir migrantische Perspektiven in unsere Erzählungen? Und wie können wir Geschichten aus migrantischen Communitys handwerklich präzise, konstruktiv und diversitätssensibel vermitteln? In diesem Workshop werden wir gemeinsam erarbeiten, worauf es ankommt, wenn man journalistische Inhalte aus der Sicht von Menschen mit Einwanderungsgeschichte gestalten möchte.