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Since 2012, I have been a qualified journalist specializing in sports, society, and education. Additionally, since 2017, I have been a DVNLP-certified communication trainer. My mission is to place the multidimensionality of people at the heart of my stories. Exaggerated and one-dimensional content often provokes feelings such as fear or anger. I aim to avoid this approach in my articles. Instead, I want readers to engage out of curiosity, empathy, and a desire for a fresh perspective and comprehensive information. I craft my texts and presentations with the intention of illuminating the individuals and situations behind the stories. I advocate for constructive journalism and am grateful for platforms that support this approach.

My clients include Berliner Zeitung, Berliner Morgenpost, SPIEGEL Online, ZEIT Online, FAZ, Hamburger Abendblatt, SID, dpa, various magazines, and companies, among others. My areas of expertise include reporting on Hertha BSC, national teams in handball, beach volleyball, and volleyball, as well as coverage of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, World and European Championships. I was honored as the winner of the live journalism format at the Reporterslam 2019 and the annual final in January 2020. Additionally, I work as a communications trainer and educator for Journalismus macht Schule.

Portraitfoto von Ninja Priesterjahn
Credits: David Schulz


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LVR LandesMuseum

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Sportjournalismus: Wo ist eigentlich der Mensch?

Mit Ninja Priesterjahn

Lässt sich konstruktiver Journalismus auch auf den Sport anwenden? Wie können wir Sportjournalismus konstruktiver und interessanter gestalten, Sportlerinnen und Sportler ganzheitlicher betrachten und dabei spannende Geschichten erzählen, die über die Bewertung von Erfolg und Niederlage hinausgehen? Welche Parallelen gibt es zu anderen Ressorts und inwiefern stehen Sensationslust und der Wunsch, Abos zu verkaufen im Widerspruch zu Ziffer eins des Pressekodex?