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Qian Sun is a freelance journalist based in Berlin, working for multiple media outlets in China and Europe. She primarily reports on German and European politics for Phoenix TV in Hong Kong. Her articles often focus on refugee and migration issues, as well as China’s involvement in Africa and Europe. Qian has reported from conflict zones like Armenia, Ukraine, Israel, and Jordan, and covered the COVID-19 impact in China, highlighting its effects on society.

Portrait of Qian Sun.


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop II

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German Media’s Reporting on China: Exploring the Binary Nature, Challenges, and Solutions

With Qian Sun and Fabian Peltsch

German media often delivers a dualistic portrayal of China, steeped in negativity and marred by stereotypes, primarily highlighting human rights and environmental issues. This depiction, swayed by Eurocentric norms and domestic agendas, frequently omits China's complex social and cultural tapestry. Despite these challenges, certain exemplary journalistic works transcend these constraints, offering a more nuanced narrative. We endeavor to spotlight these efforts, discussing enhanced approaches to reporting on China.