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Sham Jaff likes it simple, clear-cut and international. For nearly a decade, the political scientist and journalist has written the newsletter "what happened last week". It curates news topics and perspectives from the Global South, which are often overlooked in Western media. Her podcast "190220 – Ein Jahr nach Hanau" (engl: 190220 - A Year After Hanau) received the Grimme Online Award and her podcast "Wir schaffen das – Ein Satz, der Deutschland veränderte" (engl: We Can Do It - A Sentence that Changed Germany) was nominated for the CIVIS Audio prize. In 2021, Jaff was recognized by the German government as a "Culture and Creative Pilot in Germany". She is a Senior Consultant for Projects & Research at the Bonn Institute.

Sham Jaff


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LVR LandesMuseum

// Auditorium

Festival ticket required

b° future Opening Session

With Ellen Heinrichs, Markus Beckedahl and Sham Jaff

- More details will follow soon -

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// Purple Tent

Festival ticket required

b° future Welcome Night

Mit Ellen Heinrichs, Markus Beckedahl and Sham Jaff

The b° future festival team invites all festival guests and speakers to network and celebrate on the evening of the first festival day.

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Thalia am Markt

// Kuppelsaal

Ein Jahr Proteste im Iran: Zum Todestag von Jina Mahsa Amini

Mit Sham Jaff and Gilda Sahebi

Wo steht die revolutionäre pro-demokratische Bewegung im Iran heute? Und wie haben die deutschen Medien Bericht erstattet?

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Design Offices

// Training Room

Festival ticket required

Aiming for fairness: Confronting bias in foreign reporting

With Sham Jaff, Laura Postma and Zahra Salah Uddin

Foreign reporting in German media focuses on a limited number of countries — recent studies confirm this. Events in the rest of the world go unnoticed. This phenomenon is repeated in many Western countries. The causes of this attention imbalance and the measures that could be taken to address it will be discussed by Sham Jaff, along with Alena Jabarine and Laura Postma.

Session recordings