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Sonja Schwetje is Managing Director of Programming and Editor-in-Chief of the German news channel ntv, as well as Editor-in-Chief of Business and Networks at RTL NEWS. In this capacity, she represents RTL Germany as a board member of the industry association VAUNET and as chairwoman of the board of directors at Enex (European News Exchange). She is also chairwoman of Bertelsmann's Press Freedom Working Group. Sonja Schwetje has been with RTL Germany since 1998. After holding various positions at RTL Nord, she moved to RTL West in Cologne as editorial director in 2005. In November 2010, she joined ntv as Head of News. Sonja Schwetje has been editor-in-chief of the news channel since 2014, and in the spring of 2023 she also took over as managing director of programming.

Sonja Schwetje
© RTL / Marina Rosa Weigl


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Vom Wissen ins Handeln: So geht Journalismus mit Klimaverantwortung  

Mit Sonja Schwetje, Florian Sturm, Donata Dröge and Jens Schröder

Der Journalismus muss nachhaltiger werden. Und zwar nicht nur verlags- und redaktionsintern, sondern branchenweit. Bislang fehlte ein Konzept, wie der Journalismus ganzheitlich Klimaverantwortung für die Emissionen übernimmt, die er selbst verursacht. Dabei liegen die Lösungen längst parat.