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Tabea is an editor at Salon5, the youth editorial office of CORREKTIV in Greifswald. Admittedly, Greifswald in the deepest east of Germany is not the center of the world. But that's why it's incredibly interesting when it comes to climate journalism. The pipelines Nordstream 1 and 2 are located here, bogs are being drained and the sea level of the Baltic Sea is rising continuously. All of this has a huge impact on the lives of young people. That's why Tabea has been training young journalists to tackle climate topics in a way that is easy to understand but also incredibly interesting. And multimedial!

Before she was an editor at Salon5, she worked as an online editor at Katapult magazine. Before that, Tabea studied online journalism and human geography and was a working student at the German newspaper FAZ.

Tabea Stock


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IPCC, Pariser Klimaabkommen und 1,5-Grad-Ziel: Du hast keine Ahnung, worum's geht? Salon5 erklärt's dir!  

Mit Tabea Stock

Der Klimawandel ist komplex! Aber es ist allerhöchste Zeit, ihn endlich zu verstehen. Die Klima-Jugendredaktion von Salon5 stellt ihre Arbeit vor und erzählt, was die junge Generation aktuell beschäftigt.

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// Arkadenhof

Salon5 Van-Gespräche

Mit Lea Messerschmidt, Tabea Stock and Bianca Poersch

Mit dem Salon5 Transporter bringt die Jugendredaktion jungen Journalismus direkt in Bonns Innenstadt. Wir möchten im Rahmen eines ganztägigen Programms zeigen, wie Journalismus von Jugendlichen aussieht.