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Tamara Kostic works as a freelance journalist and resilience trainer. She studied communication sciences and completed a radio traineeship before becoming editor-in-chief at the age of 36. She played a key role in establishing several regional manager magazines, including those for the Ruhr region and South Westphalia. Tamara grew up in Essen in the early 1970s as the child of Yugoslavian "guest workers" and realized at an early age that she has strong innate resilience after experiencing several traumatic events.

Portraitfoto von Tamara Kostic.
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Kleine (R)Auszeit für deinen Kopf: Resilienz-Training für Journalist:innen

Mit Tamara Kostic

Die Ladestation für deine Gesundheit: Hier kannst du heute zwischen den b°future Programmpunkten deinen Akku aufladen. EIn Mitmach-Workshop mit Tipps und Tricks für die Stärkung deiner Resilienz