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Tom Klein is Community Management Coordinator at Hessischer Rundfunk (hr/ARD). He coordinates and manages the digital transformation and strategic development of hr in the area of community management. Since the end of the 1990s, he has worked primarily on and for the web. There, he has designed and produced national and international websites, built and managed web/social media communities, and conceived and moderated live journalistic events - including for the EBU, hessenschau and sportschau. He also spent many years tweeting for ARD on "Tatort." After studying political science in Mainz and working for SAT.1, SWR and ZDF.newmedia. Tom Klein joined Hessischer Rundfunk in 2010 as a multimedia editor. He also works as a media trainer.

Tom Klein
© Ben Knabe/hr


 –  h

LVR LandesMuseum

// Workshop 4

Festival ticket required

Für besseren Diskurs und Empowerment unserer Nutzer:innen brauchen wir eine neue Redaktion. Hier ist sie!

Mit Tom Klein

Ja, der Journalismus muss konstruktiver werden, bedürfnisorientierter, empowernder, dialogischer. Aber wie? Und mit welcher Ressourcenverteilung? Unser Redaktionsmodell der Zukunft weist den Weg zu den Antworten, indem es Community-orientierten Journalismus in den Fokus stellt.