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Julia Minner ist Lerndesignerin, Trainerin und Projektmanagerin bei der DW Akademie. Julia war federführend an der Entwicklung der neuen Podcast-Trainingspläne der DW Akademie beteiligt und hat Podcast-Trainings in Kenia, Namibia und Ghana durchgeführt. Sie begeistert sich für Podcasting und hat große Freude daran, andere für dieses Medium zu begeistern, neue und originelle Formate zu entwickeln und Podcast-Produktionen zu coachen.

Portrait of Julia Minner
Credits: Maren Kirsch


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Haus der Bildung

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Podcasting with and for Gen Z

With Julia Minner

Gen Z is flocking to podcasts. And while listenership is on the rise, podcasting is also an effective way to enable young people to actively engage with the media. In this session, DW Akademie will share learnings from the PodcasTrainings it has designed for young people and implemented in different parts of the world. You’ll also learn how to use the MethodKit for Podcasts - an analogue and digital tool that can be used across every aspect of your podcast — from development to production to distribution to marketing or from audience growth to content ideation and more.