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Belenn Rebecka Bekele arbeitet als Programmmanagerin bei IN/LAB. Zu ihren bisherigen Erfahrungen gehört die Leitung von Projekten, die sich mit Innovation und Integration im Bereich der internationalen Entwicklung befassen.

Portrait of Rebecka Bekele


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Haus der Bildung

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Mit Festivalticket

How insights from disadvantaged communities in Sweden can help us navigate news futures

With Belenn Bekele und Molly Grönlund Müller

What do young news outsiders from disadvantaged communities in Stockholm think about journalism and news media organisations? How do their perspectives enrich our understanding of current global issues like declining trust and aid in our preparation for the future? In this workshop, we’ll explore these questions (and others) in a mini-scenario planning process. Based on key assumptions, journalists will construct stories about the future and discuss the potential implications if they were to come true.