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Roman Stepanovych ist ukrainischer Produzent und Filmemacher, Mitbegründer der Kiewer Zaborona Media und der 2402 Foundation. Er ist Experte und Ausbilder für Risikobewertung und Sicherheit. Er hat für PBS Newshour, AP, Bloomberg und Vice in der Ukraine, Russland, Myanmar, Malaysia und der Türkei gearbeitet. Gewinner des Peabody Award und des National Press Club Award.

Portraitfoto von Roman Stepanovych.


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How to survive and stay sane during the war, disaster or failed elections

With Katerina Sergatskova und Roman Stepanovych

2402 Foundation was founded in the first days of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, to secure journalists and war crime documentators who faced a war for the first time. Since then, we grew up in an organisation that provides complex Hostile Environment First Aid training, mental health and safety awareness training free of charge for civic actors and media workers in Ukraine and beyond. We use innovations and technologies to improve learning experience, to make sure that every person is getting right skills and knowledge. When you live and work in the country at war, knowledge saves lives.