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Rutger Verhoeven is Founder and CMO of smartocto. Former Head of Digital at BNNVARA – a large Dutch national broadcaster. Rutger has vast experience in serious gaming and education. Previously worked as a publisher for educational children’s magazines (i.e. National Geographic Junior) and numerous award-winning digital innovations.

Portrait of Rutger Verhoeven


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LVR LandesMuseum

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Smartocto - How user needs & AI strengthen the connection with your audience

With Stefan ten Teije und Rutger Verhoeven

Smartocto is a smart content analytics system. It's built with and designed for newsrooms, storytellers and other content creators. Our mission is to help you make your news stories more relevant, impactful and profitable. Get from data to action with our smart tips and suggestions and connect the dots between you and your audience. It’s analytics made easy.